How to Remove Password from Boot Menu

The boot menu is a feature found in most computers that allows users to choose the operating system they want to use or access the system settings. However, some computers have a password-protected boot menu, which can be frustrating if you forgot the password. Forgetting your password can lock you out of your computer, and it can be a significant security risk. So, in this blog post, we’ll discuss how to remove password from the boot menu.

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What’s Needed

Before we proceed, there are a few things you’ll need to remove the password from the boot menu:

  • A computer
  • Administrator access to the computer
  • A USB drive or CD-ROM
  • Password removal tool
  • Patience

What Requires Your Focus?

Removing the password from the boot menu requires a bit of focus since you’ll need to download and install the password removal tool and create a bootable USB drive or CD-ROM. You’ll also need to follow the steps carefully, or you may end up doing more harm than good.

Different Methods to Remove Password from Boot Menu

Method 1: Using Password Removal Tool

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can use a password removal tool to remove the password from the boot menu. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Download and install a password removal tool on another computer.
  2. Create a bootable USB or CD-ROM with the password removal tool.
  3. Insert the bootable USB drive or CD-ROM into the computer that has the password-protected boot menu.
  4. Boot the computer from the USB drive or CD-ROM.
  5. Follow the instructions on the password removal tool to remove the password from the boot menu.
  6. Remove the USB drive or CD-ROM and restart the computer.


  • Quick and easy method
  • No technical knowledge required


  • May not work on all computers
  • Could be risky if the password removal tool is not reliable

Method 2: Accessing BIOS Settings

Another solution to remove the password from the boot menu is by accessing the computer’s BIOS settings. Here are the steps:

  1. Restart your computer and press the appropriate key to enter the BIOS settings. This key differs depending on your computer’s brand, but commonly used keys are F2, F10, Esc, and Del.
  2. Navigate to the Security tab using the arrow keys.
  3. Select the Boot Security option and set it to Disabled.
  4. Save the changes and exit.


  • A reliable and secure method
  • You don’t need to download any tool


  • Could be risky if you are not familiar with BIOS settings
  • May not work if you didn’t set up the boot security option in the BIOS settings

Method 3: Removing the Battery

If your computer’s boot menu password is stored in the BIOS memory, you can clear the memory by removing the battery that powers the BIOS. Here are the steps:

  1. Turn off your computer and disconnect it from all power sources.
  2. Open the computer’s case and locate the BIOS battery.
  3. Remove the battery from the motherboard and wait for at least 5 minutes.
  4. Reinstall the battery and close the case.
  5. Connect your computer to the power source and turn it on.


  • Effective if the password is stored in BIOS memory
  • No software or technical knowledge required


  • Risky if you don’t know how to open the computer case
  • May void your computer’s warranty

Method 4: Using Command Prompt

If you are comfortable using the command line, you can remove the password from the boot menu using Command Prompt. Here’s how:

  1. Boot your computer from a Windows installation disk or a USB drive.
  2. Click on Repair your computer in the bottom left corner.
  3. Select the Command Prompt option.
  4. Type in the following commands:
    • cd windows\system32
    • ren utilman.exe utilman.exe.bak
    • copy cmd.exe utilman.exe
  5. Close the command prompt and restart your computer.
  6. Press the Windows key + U to open the utilman.exe program.
  7. Type the following command to remove the password:
    • net user username *

    Note: Replace the "username" with your actual username.

  8. Restart your computer and log in without a password.
  9. Type the following command to restore the utilman.exe:
    • cd windows\system32
    • del utilman.exe
    • ren utilman.exe.bak utilman.exe


  • A free and easy-to-use method
  • No need for any third-party software


  • May not work on some computers
  • Requires basic knowledge of the command line

Why Can’t I Remove Password from Boot Menu?

1. Limited access: If you do not have admin access, you cannot remove the password from the boot menu.

Fix: Log in to an administrator account or create one.

2. Forgotten password: If you forgot your boot menu password, you cannot remove it without a password removal tool or resetting BIOS.

Fix: Use one of the methods mentioned above.

3. BIOS settings are blocked: Some computers have locked BIOS settings, and you will not be able to remove or change the password.

Fix: Consult your computer’s manual or contact the manufacturer for support.

Implications and Recommendations

Removing the password from the boot menu can make your computer more accessible, but it also poses a security risk. Suppose someone gains access to your computer while it’s unattended; they can easily change your system settings or install malware. Here are a few recommendations:

  • Always set up a strong password for your user account, BIOS, and boot menu.
  • Do not leave your computer unattended or unlocked.
  • Regularly scan your computer for viruses and malware.

5 FAQs about the Boot Menu Password Removal

Q1: What if the password removal tool doesn’t work on my computer?

A: Try other methods mentioned in this blog post or contact the password removal tool’s support team.

Q2: Can I remove the password from the boot menu without a password removal tool?

A: Yes, you can use the other methods mentioned above.

Q3: Will I lose my data during the boot menu password removal process?

A: No, your data will not be affected by any of the methods unless you change the settings.

Q4: Does removing the BIOS battery delete the BIOS settings?

A: Yes, the BIOS battery removal will clear the BIOS settings.

Q5: Is it safe to modify the BIOS settings?

A: Yes, it is safe as long as you know what you’re doing and avoid making any major or unnecessary changes. Ensure to make any setting changes carefully and follow the instructions given.

In Conclusion

Forgetting your boot menu password can be frustrating, but there are various methods to remove the password. Just be sure to approach this task with caution since making changes to the boot menu may cause issues and abort your work system. By following the instructions we’ve provided in this blog post, you should be well on your way to accessing your computer without a boot menu password.