How to Remove Folders from Desktop without Deleting Mac

The Mac desktop is a convenient and familiar way to store and access files, folders, and shortcuts. However, it can quickly become cluttered with too many items, making it difficult to find what you need and slowing down your productivity. Removing unnecessary folders can help you stay organized and reduce visual distractions. But what if you want to remove the folder from your desktop but not delete it entirely from your Mac? In this blog post, I’ll show you several methods to remove folders from your Mac desktop without deleting them from your computer.

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Why You Need to Remove Folders from Desktop without Deleting Mac

There are many reasons why you might want to remove folders from your desktop without deleting them from your Mac. You could be temporarily de-cluttering your desktop to focus on a specific task or project, or you might want to keep the folder on your computer for future reference while removing it from the desktop. Whatever the reason may be, this task can seem daunting if you don’t know the correct steps to follow. That’s why I’m here to help.

Method 1: Using Finder

Finder is the default file manager for macOS, and it’s a powerful tool for managing files and folders. Here’s how to remove a folder from your Mac desktop using Finder:

1. Open Finder.
2. Go to your desktop.
3. Click the folder that you want to move.
4. Drag the folder to its new location. This could be a different folder within your Mac or an external hard drive.
5. Release the folder.

– Easy and straightforward
– Allows you to organize the folder in a different location
– Drag-and-drop method is intuitive and user-friendly

– Can be time-consuming if you have many files and folders to move
– If you accidentally drop the folder into the wrong location, it can be challenging to locate it

Method 2: Using the Terminal

Terminal is a command-line interface that allows you to interact with your Mac using text commands. This method requires a bit of familiarity with Terminal, but it can be quicker than using Finder if you have many folders to move.

1. Open Terminal.
2. Type "mv ~/Desktop/foldername /path/to/new/location" (without quotes).
3. Replace "foldername" with the name of the folder you want to move.
4. Replace "/path/to/new/location" with the path to the new location of the folder. For example, if you want to move the folder to your Documents folder, the path would be "/Users/username/Documents/".
5. Hit enter.

– Faster than using Finder if you have multiple folders to move
– Can be more efficient if you’re comfortable with Terminal commands
– Allows you to move the folder to a specific location within a path

– Requires familiarity with Terminal commands
– Typing errors can cause problems
– Can be challenging to locate the folder if you’re not familiar with file paths

Method 3: Using a Third-Party App

If you’re not comfortable using Terminal or don’t want to use Finder to move folders, there are third-party apps available that can help you accomplish this task. Here are two options:

Option 1: Cut and Paste App
1. Download and install the Cut and Paste app from the App Store.
2. Open the app.
3. Click the scissors icon to cut the folder from your desktop.
4. Navigate to the location where you want to move the folder.
5. Click the clipboard icon to paste the folder into its new location.

– Easy to use
– In-app shortcuts for cutting and pasting

– Requires downloading a third-party app
– Limited features compared to Finder or Terminal

Option 2: Dragthing App
1. Download and install the Dragthing app from the App Store.
2. Open the app.
3. Click and hold the folder to move.
4. Drag it to the edge of the screen to reveal the Dock.
5. Drag it to the Folder section of the Dock.

– Drag-and-drop simplicity
– Allows you to create custom menus and shortcuts

– Requires downloading a third-party app
– Can be overwhelming for beginners
– Some features require a paid version

What to Do If You Can’t Remove Folders from Desktop without Deleting Mac:

If you’re still having trouble removing folders from your desktop without deleting them from your Mac, here are a few fixes you can try:

– Try restarting your Mac and attempting the method again.
– Check to ensure that you have permissions to move the folder you’re trying to move.
– Make sure that the folder is not open in any other programs or windows.
– Try using a different method or a third-party app.

Bonus Tip:

To prevent future clutter on your desktop, consider creating a folder for each project or category and regularly moving files and folders into their appropriate location.

5 FAQs:

Q: Can I drag and drop multiple folders at once using Finder?

A: Yes, you can drag and drop multiple folders at once using Finder. Hold down the Command key while selecting the folders, and then drag and drop them to the new location.

Q: What if I want to keep the folder on my desktop but remove it from the menu bar?

A: You can hide the folder from the menu bar by going to System Preferences > General > unchecking the option for "Show recent applications in Dock."

Q: Can I move a folder to an external hard drive using Finder?

A: Yes, you can drag and drop the folder to an external hard drive using Finder. Make sure that the external hard drive is connected to your Mac.

Q: Can I undo the folder move if I make a mistake?

A: Yes, you can Undo the folder move by typing Command + Z or going to Edit > Undo.

Q: How can I quickly access the folder after I’ve moved it from my desktop?

A: You can access the folder in its new location by navigating to it using Finder or creating a shortcut on your desktop to the new location.

Final Thoughts:

Removing folders from your desktop without deleting them from your Mac might seem like a challenging task, but with the methods outlined in this blog post, it can be done quickly and efficiently. Using Finder, Terminal, or a third-party app can help you stay organized and reduce visual clutter on your desktop. Remember to double-check your work and create project-specific folders to prevent future clutter. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be on your way to a clean and organized desktop in no time!