How to Download A Video from Website on Mac

Do you want to download your favorite videos from a website on your Mac device? Sometimes we come across amazing videos and want to keep them for later use or share them with friends. But, websites like YouTube and Vimeo do not give the option to download the videos. Fortunately, there are several ways to download videos from websites on a Mac.

In this article, we will discuss various methods to download videos from websites on Mac. We will also cover what you need to do and focus on. Additionally, we will look into why you can’t download videos, its implications, recommendations, and FAQs.

Video Tutorial:

What’s Needed

Before we begin, there are a few things you need to prepare:

1. A Mac device.
2. A web browser (Safari or Google Chrome).
3. Reliable internet connection.
4. Third-party video downloader software or browser extensions.
5. The URL of the video you want to download.

What requires your focus?

You should be cautious when downloading videos from suspicious websites. Such websites may have malware that can harm your Mac’s performance or compromise your security. You may also end up downloading a virus along with the video.

Make sure that you download videos from trusted sources only. Also, stay vigilant regarding the types of files you are downloading.

In addition, some websites may have strict copyright policies. You can check the copyright information of the video to avoid any legal implications of downloading it.

Method 1: Video Downloader Software

One of the most effective ways of downloading videos from websites on Mac is to use video downloader software. Such software allows you to download videos easily by copying and pasting the video URL.

Steps to download videos using Video Downloader Software:

1. Download and install video downloader software like iTube HD Video Downloader or VideoDuke on your Mac device.
2. Launch the video downloader software and click on the "Paste URL" button.
3. Copy the video URL from the website and paste it into the software.
4. The software will analyze the video and give you download options.
5. Choose the preferred video format and quality, then click on "Download".

– Easy to use.
– Can download videos from various websites.
– Can choose video quality and format.

– Not all video downloader software is free.
– Software may contain malware.

Method 2: Web Browser Extensions

You can also use web browser extensions like Video DownloadHelper or Flash Video Downloader to download videos from websites on Mac. These extensions work by integrating with your web browser and creating a download button whenever a video is available.

Steps to download videos using Web Browser Extensions:

1. Open Safari or Google Chrome web browser on your Mac.
2. Install a web browser extension like Video DownloadHelper or Flash Video Downloader.
3. Visit the website where the video is located.
4. Click on the video download button.
5. Choose the preferred video format and quality, then click on "Download".

– Easy to use.
– Can download videos from various websites.

– Limited compatibility with some websites.
– Some extensions may contain malware.

Method 3: Screen Recording

Another option to download videos is by using the screen recording feature on your Mac device. This method records the video playing on your screen and saves it as a video file.

Steps to download videos using screen recording:

1. Open Quicktime Player on your Mac.
2. Click on "File" then select "New Screen Recording".
3. Choose whether to record the entire screen or just a portion.
4. Play the video you want to download in full-screen mode.
5. Click on the "Stop" button on Quicktime Player to stop the recording.
6. Save the recording as a video file.

– Can record any video playing on the screen.
– No need to install any software.

– Quality of the video may be affected.
– May not work for videos with copyright protection.

Why Can’t I Download Videos?

There are several reasons why you might not be able to download a video, including:

1. The website has disabled the download option.
2. The website requires you to be logged in to download videos.
3. The video is protected by copyright laws.


1. Try using a video downloader software or browser extension to download the video.
2. Create an account or log in to the website to access the download option.
3. Check the copyright information of the video and ensure that it is available for download.

Implications and Recommendations

Downloading videos from websites can have legal implications if they are copyrighted content. It is essential to check the copyright information of the video before downloading it. You can also consult a legal advisor if you are unsure about the legality of downloading a video.

We recommend that you use trusted video downloader software or browser extensions to download videos from websites. It will help avoid downloading malware or viruses that can harm your Mac device. Furthermore, be cautious when visiting websites that are not secure or downloading videos from unknown sources.


Q1. Is downloading videos from websites legal?

A1. Downloading videos that are protected by copyright laws is illegal. You can check the copyright information of the video to avoid legal implications.

Q2. Can I download videos from YouTube using these methods?

A2. No, downloading videos from YouTube is prohibited and can result in legal consequences.

Q3. Will downloading videos harm my Mac?

A3. Downloading videos from suspicious sources can harm your Mac by downloading malware or viruses along with the video.

Q4. Why is it not possible to download some videos despite using these methods?

A4. Some websites disable the download option, and the videos are not available for download.

Q5. Is it possible to download multiple videos simultaneously using these methods?

A5. Yes, some video downloader software and web browser extensions support downloading multiple videos simultaneously.

In Conclusion

Downloading videos from websites on Mac can be easy and straightforward if you use trusted methods and be careful while visiting websites. In this article, we discussed various methods to download videos and their pros and cons. We also talked about why you can’t download videos, its implications, recommendations, and FAQs. We hope this article has helped you download your favorite videos with ease.