How to Adjust Web Page to Fit Screen Android

As mobile devices have become an essential part of our daily lives, web pages must be optimized to work seamlessly on smartphones. When developing a website, it is crucial to ensure that it fits the screen of every device, especially Android smartphones. Android is one of the most widely used mobile operating systems, and thereby, web developers must ensure that the web pages they create can be viewed on Android devices. If you are a web developer or designer, it is essential to learn how to adjust web pages to fit the screen on Android.

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What’s Needed

To adjust web pages to fit the screen on Android devices, you will need a few things:

  • Android device
  • Internet connection
  • Web development tool like Adobe Dreamweaver or Notepad++
  • Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS

What requires your focus?

To adjust web pages to fit on a screen of an Android phone, the primary focus should be on:

  • Mobile-First Approach: While designing a website, you should follow the mobile-first approach where you first design the website for mobile, and then for desktop screens.
  • Responsive web design: Design the website such that it adjusts to the screen sizes of different devices without distorting or disrupting the display.
  • Custom viewport tag: The viewport tag will let your website know the viewport dimensions of the device so that the website fits exactly into the screen.

Different Methods to Adjust Web Page on Android

Method 1: Using the Meta Viewport Tag

The Meta viewport tag is the most effective and popular way to adjust the web page on Android. This tag helps the browser to understand the width and scale of the web page. Follow these steps to adjust your website to fit Android devices:

1. Open up your website’s HTML file in your favorite web development tool.
2. Add the Meta viewport tag to the head section of your HTML page.



3. Save and refresh your page.


  1. Easy to implement
  2. Works with any browser


  1. Setting device-width can be complicated
  2. Difficult to customize for different screens

Method 2: Using Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design is a popular approach to make your website fit any device, including Android. It adjusts the size and layout of the website based on the device’s screen width. Follow these steps to implement responsive web design:

1. Set the viewport width to device-width



2. Use relative units like em or % instead of pixels for font-size, margin, padding, etc.

3. Use media queries to create breakpoints for specific screen sizes

@media screen and(max-width: 768px) {
//CSS styles for small screens here


  1. Efficient and scalable
  2. Works for any size and resolution


  1. Requires knowledge of HTML and CSS
  2. Complicated to implement

Method 3: Using Bootstrap

Bootstrap is an open-source front-end web framework that helps in creating responsive web pages with ease. Bootstrap provides a grid-system for creating a flexible layout that adapts to any screen size. Follow these steps to implement Bootstrap:

1. Add the Bootstrap CSS stylesheet and JavaScript file.



2. Create a Bootstrap container and grid to define the website’s layout.


//content here
//content here
//content here



  1. Easy to implement without much coding
  2. Provides consistent appearance across devices


  1. Heavy reliance on code libraries
  2. Not suitable for certain complex website designs

Why Can’t I Adjust My Web Page on Android?

1. Your website is not optimized for mobile devices
The most common reason for webpages not to fit the screen on Android is that web developers have not optimized their websites for mobile devices.

Fix: Use the different methods described above to adjust your website’s screen size to fit Android tablets or phones.

2. Incorrect use of Viewport tag
If you have not used the viewport meta tag or used it incorrectly, it won’t help the browser know how to lay out the web page on the user’s device.

Fix: Use the correct viewport meta tag, allowing the browser to adjust the web page’s display settings, according to the device used.

3. Wrong Web Development Tool
Certain web development software may not provide optimal solutions to adjust your website on Android.

Fix: Use the recommended web development software, such as Adobe Dreamweaver or Notepad++, to ensure that your website is designed to adjust correctly.

Implications and Recommendations

In conclusion, designing websites for mobile devices like Android is critical in this modern world. Users are increasingly accessing websites from their mobile devices, and, thus, it’s essential to optimize your website to fit such devices. Use either of the above methods to design a responsive web page that feels appropriately responded to any device your clients are using.


Q: How many methods can I use to adjust my web page for Android screens?

A: You can use several methods, including using the viewport meta tag, responsive web design, and Bootstrap.

Q: Can I use Bootstrap only on Android devices?

A: No, Bootstrap is a responsive framework used for many platforms, including smartphones, tablets, desktops, and laptops.

Q: What if my website still does not fit the Android screen after using the above methods?

A: Ensure that your images and videos are optimized, compress HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for faster load times, or seek help from an experienced web developer.

Q: Is optimizing web pages for mobile devices essential?

A: Yes, as more people access the internet from mobile devices than computers; optimizing web pages for mobile devices is critical for enhancing usability and improving the user browsing experience.

Q: Do I need coding skills to adjust my website for Android devices?

A: Yes, knowledge of HTML and CSS is recommended. However, using a development tool like Adobe Dreamweaver or Notepad++ can also assist in creating responsive web pages with minimal coding skills.
