How to Add Home Screen Button on iPhone

Are you tired of scrolling through numerous pages on your iPhone to access your favorite websites? Or do you want quick access to certain web apps on your home screen? Adding a home screen button on your iPhone could be the solution to your problem!

In this article, we will guide you through the different methods of adding a home screen button on your iPhone and the pros and cons of each method. So, let’s get started!

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What’s Needed

Before we dive into the methods of adding a home screen button, here’s what you need:

  • An iPhone
  • An internet browser
  • A website or web app that you want to add as a home screen button

What Requires Your Focus?

One of the things that require your focus before adding a home screen button is deciding which website or web app you want to add. It’s best to choose sites or apps that you use frequently. Moreover, different methods of adding a home screen button require your attention in the following areas:

  • The technical skills that you possess
  • The amount of time you have to dedicate
  • The pros and cons of each method

Different Methods to Add Home Screen Button on iPhone

Method 1: Via Safari

If you’re using Safari as your internet browser, you can use its feature of adding a web app to your home screen. Here’s how:

  1. Open Safari and navigate to the website or web app that you want to add.
  2. Tap the share button (located at the bottom center of your screen).
  3. Scroll down the menu until you find ‘Add to Home Screen’ option and tap on it.
  4. Customize the name of the app or use the suggested name and tap ‘Add.’
  5. Go back to the home screen to find your newly added button!


  • Safari is an in-built app, so you don’t need to download any additional apps.
  • Customizable app icon.


  • The newly added app opens in Safari, so the user experience might not be as smooth as a standalone app.

Method 2: Via Shortcuts App

The Shortcuts app is an Apple app that allows you to create custom shortcuts, including adding a website or web app as a home screen button. Here’s how you can use the shortcuts app:

  1. Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap the (+) button to create a new shortcut.
  3. Tap ‘Add Action.’
  4. Search for ‘Open URLs’ and tap the option.
  5. Copy and paste the URL of the website or web app you want to create a home screen button for.
  6. Tap ‘Next’ and give a name to your shortcut.
  7. Tap ‘Done.’
  8. Go back to the home screen and tap the icon to launch the website or web app.


  • You can customize the name and icon of the app.
  • A standalone app opens, providing a smoother user experience than using Safari.


  • You need to download the Shortcuts app (if not already installed) and have the technical knowledge to use it.

Method 3: Via Third-Party Apps

Several third-party apps are available on the App Store to add a home screen button to your iPhone. One such app is the ‘Home Screen Icon Creator’ app. Here’s how:

  1. Install the ‘Home Screen Icon Creator’ app from the App Store.
  2. Open the app and tap the ‘Add New Icon’ button.
  3. Enter the website or web app’s URL and add a cute name to your home screen button.
  4. Customize the app icon by uploading a photo or using the app’s built-in icons.
  5. Tap ‘Save’ and go back to the home screen. You will find the new icon.


  • The app is user-friendly and does not require technical knowledge.
  • The app offers a wide range of icon designs to choose from.


  • You might need to pay for some third-party apps.
  • The app adds a small ‘Home Screen Icon Creator’ banner to your app icon.

Why Can’t I Add Home Screen Button on iPhone?

There could be various reasons why you can’t add a home screen button on your iPhone. Some of these include:

  1. Not having an internet connection
  2. Not having the technical knowledge to use third-party apps or Shortcuts app
  3. Not having enough space on your phone’s home screen

To fix these issues, you can try:

  1. Connecting to a stable internet connection
  2. Going through online tutorials or videos to learn about the app or skill in question.
  3. Deleting unnecessary apps or widgets to make space on your home screen.

Implications and Recommendations

Adding a home screen button can help you access your favorite websites and web apps with just one tap. However, different methods have different pros and cons. Therefore, if you want a better user experience, it’s best to use Shortcuts app or third-party apps.

5 FAQs about Adding Home Screen Button on iPhone

Q: Can I remove the home screen button once added?

A: Yes. Press and hold the app icon till ‘Remove App’ pops up, and delete the app from your home screen.

Q: Can I add any website or web app as a home screen button?

A: Yes, as long as the web page is accessible from an internet browser.

Q: Will my data get deleted if I add a home screen button?

A: No, data does not get deleted when you add an app icon on your home screen.

Q: Can I rearrange the home screen buttons?

A: Yes, you can move the home screen buttons by pressing and holding the app icon and then dragging it to its desired location.

Q: Can I add multiple home screen buttons?

A: Yes, you can add multiple home screen buttons, but make sure you don’t clutter your home screen.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, adding a home screen button on your iPhone could make accessing your favorite websites or web apps a whole lot easier. Evaluate your requirements and choose the method that suits your needs the most. We hope this article helped you in adding a home screen button on your iPhone.